Class Action

For 19 years, 2004 to 2023, Class Action was a national nonprofit organization that raised awareness of class and classism, working towards a world without classism.​

Archived here are records of some of the organization's work

A youth curriculum on class; a cross-class dialogue group manual; the anthology of class life stories Class Lives; and more

Over 400 short, lively pieces on class in our lives & our society were published from 2011 to 2018

First-Gen College Student Programs; Cross-Class Dialogue Circles; Staffing the Mission.

Students whose parents didn’t go to college face many obstacles. Class Action’s annual First-Gen Summits were planned and led mostly by first-gen students themselves, and so are those now hosted by First-Gen Leadership.

Turning burnout nonprofit jobs into sustainable jobs – now part of Fund the People

Intersectional DEI/diversity work should include class – but rarely does. Class Action filled that gap.

Meets everyone’s basic needs;

Treats people from every background class status, and rank with dignity and respect;

Supports the development of all people to their full potential;

Reduces the vast differences in income wealth, and access to resources;

And ensures everyone has a voice in the decisions that affect them.